Customer Quote
“An analysis of biofluids (blood, urine, cell extracts, etc.) provides a snapshot of the biological processes of an individual that can be used in applications from diagnostics to drug efficacy and toxicity. The Protasis/MRM capillary NMR automation system is an essential component of Novatia’s biofluid NMR analysis package and allows us to provide a unique service to the research community.â€
“As a contract laboratory with hundreds of samples in backlog, we needed a way to get the most out of our available magnet time. We purchased OneMinuteNMR because it is the best and most cost-effective NMR automation system available.”
“For quality control of chemical libraries, 1D NMR spectra are acquired under full automation from 384-well plates on as many as 130 compounds within 24 hours using 128 scans per spectrum and a sample-to-sample cycle time of about 11 min. Because of the low volume requirements and high mass sensitivity of the microflow NMR system, 30 nmol of a typical small molecule is sufficient to obtain high quality, well-resolved, 1D proton or 2D COSY NMR spectra in approximately 6 or 20 min of data acquisition time per experiment, respectively.”
“Because of the high mass sensitivity and low sample consumption of the One-Minute microflow NMR system, and because it can use D2O or nearly any solvent while still being economical, the automated microflow system described and characterized here also has great potential for metabolite evaluation, and other applications of biological interest.”
“The active volume of the flow cell is 3µL, compared with 0.5 mL in a conventional probe. ‘The procedure is different but very simple,’ said Schroeder. ‘Capillary NMR offers similar sensitivity to cryo probes but at considerably lower cost and without the technically challenging cryo support system of supercooled helium gas. Further design refinements will lead to additional sensitivity increases.’”
Frank Schroeder, Cornell University,
Royal Society of Chemistry: Chemistry World,July 25, 2005
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