ADME / Tox Systems Back

Cell-based screening tests for Absorption, Distribution, Metabolism, Excretion (ADME) and Toxicity are moving forward from the drug development into drug discovery. Protasis can automate the management of these studies and help you ‘fail sooner’ in order to make the best use of your company’s resources.

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Supported Operations:

Micro-Prep Electrofocusing using SPUR
Micro-Solid Phase Extraction
High Throughput Sample Loading to MicroFlow NMR
MicroTrap MS Confirmation (available 2006)

Supported Studies:

Metabolite Isolation, ID & Structure w/ NMR
Absorption / Distribution Rate Studies

Metabolite Profiling

MicroFlow Nuclear Magnetic Resonance spectroscopy is an important technique for the analysis of biological fluids in life science applications such as metabonomics, metabolite identification, biomarker analysis etc. Flow-NMR techniques are ideal in these applications for high-throughput screening and hyphenation with other analytical methodologies such as chromatography and mass spectrometry. Enhanced mass sensitivity, superior fluidic performance, reduced cost, and greater speed are possible using capillary-scale, microflow NMR due to the reduced sample and solvent volumes required, enabling analysis of fluids from smaller animals or any fluid that is only available in small volumes.
Absorption Rate Studies

Hepatocyte incubations are gaining more and more importance in the early stages of metabolite investigations. Due to small incubation sizes, however, the absolute amount of metabolite is limited. These samples can be concentrated in microliter volumes using Waters capillary liquid chromatography (CapLC) or Protasis dynamic focusing (DFGF).